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Professional feedback on the strengths and needs of your fiction manuscript, poetry collection, or children's picture book.

Editing services, prices, and turnaround times are subject to change.

Note: I charge less than most professional editors because my turnaround time is longer due to health reasons.

For a look at what most professional editors charge, see .​


Free Sample Edits and Consultation

Try out my editing services to decide if we're a good fit!

  • For all editing services but line edits: First 5,000 words of your manuscript free

  • For line editing: First 1,000 words of your manuscript free

  • Get a free half hour consultation via your choice of phone call, FaceTime, text message, email, or Zoom.

Complimentary Book Services 

Purchase of a Full Developmental Edit or Line Edit also includes:

  • Free email consultations for three months after the author receives the editorial letter

  • Free written book blurb (approx. 200 words)

With purchase of line edit or accuracy reading:​

  • Free written list of potential content and trigger warnings

It is recommended to implement the feedback you agree with prior to taking advantage of these services, with the exception of email consultations. 

Discounts (on purchase of a Manuscript Critique, Full Developmental Edit, or Line Edit)

  • First-time clients: $50 USD off

  • Second or subsequent passes on a manuscript for full developmental editing or line editing, after changes are implemented from the first pass: $200 USD off

Manuscript Critique

Includes feedback on:

  • "Big picture" aspects of your manuscript, such as: story structure, plot cohesion, story clarity, character "design," character arcs, themes, and narrative voice.

What you'll receive, after two read-throughs minimum:

  • Sidebar comments with specific feedback.

  • An editorial letter of 15 pages minimum, double-spaced, with feedback on the overall manuscript, each chapter, and each major character, along with suggested next steps.

PRICE: $0.007 USD per word (Ex. 80,000 word novel = $560 USD)

TURNAROUND TIME: One week per 20,000 words (Ex. 80,0000 word novel = 4 weeks)


Full Developmental Edit

Includes in-depth feedback on: 

  • Plot & Story Structure

  • Pacing

  • Chapters and Scenes

  • Voice & Style

  • Characterization and Character Voice

  • Character Arcs

  • Themes, Imagery, and Symbolism

  • Sensitivity and Accuracy: any big picture recommendations and concerns

  • Content or Trigger Warnings: any big picture recommendations and concerns

  • Marketability regarding Title, Age Group, Genre, and Ideal Audience

  • Age-Appropriateness (mainly for YA and MG)

  • Audiobook recommendations (if applicable) regarding type(s) of actor(s), voices, and accents and dialects

What you'll receive, after three read-throughs minimum: 

  • Detailed sidebar comments with narrative and scene-by-scene feedback.

  • An in-depth editorial letter of 30 pages minimum, double-spaced, with feedback on the overall manuscript, each chapter and scene, and all characters, along with suggested next steps.

COST: $0.014 USD per word (Ex. 80,000 word novel = $1120 USD)

TURNAROUND TIME: One week per 10,000 words (Ex. 80,000 word novel = 8 weeks)

Line Edit 

Includes feedback on:

  • Sentence clarity

  • Word choice

  • Readability

  • Artistic and narrative impact

  • Emotional impact

  • Narrative and description continuity

  • Consistency and distinction of each character's voice and mannerisms

  • Summary of strengths and support needs of the narrative prose and dialogue

  • Pointing out any major issues regarding potentially offensive or inadvertently harmful word choices

  • Age-appropriate word choice (mainly for YA and MG)

  • May include some minor feedback regarding major spelling and grammatical errors, and any major issues regarding period-appropriate language 

What you'll receive:​

  • Sidebar comments with narrative and artistic feedback on the sentence-by-sentence level.

  • An editorial letter of 10 pages minimum, double-spaced with feedback on the overall prose and dialogue, setting descriptions, and character voice, along with suggested next steps.

Note: this service does NOT include:

  • Copyediting or proofreading, aka thorough feedback on spelling, grammar, or sentence structure.

  • Historical consulting or accuracy reading 

  • Ghostwriting or in-text changes.

ONLY manuscripts that have received developmental editing by myself or another editor will be accepted.

COST: $0.014 USD per word (Ex. 80,000 word novel = $1120 USD)

TURNAROUND TIME: One week per 10,000 words (Ex. 80,000 word novel = 8 weeks)

Accuracy / Sensitivity Reading

Includes sensitivity feedback on any or all of the following representation:

queer and trans identities, ADHD, Autistic, walker use, cane use, chronic illness, and various representations of abuse, trauma, and mental health. Inquire for more info about specific representation and your manuscript's needs.

What you'll receive:

  • Sidebar comments

  • An editorial letter of 5 pages minimum, double-spaced, with feedback on the representation, what it got right, how to improve it, and suggested next steps, along with a list of any relevant resources

COST: $0.0035 USD per word (Ex. 80,000 word novel = $280 USD)

TURNAROUND TIME: One week per 20,000 words (Ex. 80,0000 word novel = 4 weeks)

Professional Beta Read 

For books in the pre-developmental editing stage that need basic feedback from a reader’s point-of-view. Attention will be given to entertainment value, catching any glaring issues regarding plot, pacing, and character arcs, and any unintentional problematic content. One read-through, sidebar comments with live reactions, and about 5 pages of final thoughts on the manuscript.

Note: Alpha reads are available at this same price.

COST: $0.0025 USD (Ex. 80,000 word novel = $200 USD)

TURNAROUND TIME: One week per 40,000 words (Ex. 80,000 word novel = two weeks)


Edit for a Poetry Collection (approx. 5000-7000 words)

  • Two rounds of edits

  • Developmental edits, including poem order

  • Line edits, including a light copy edit

  • Includes a custom book blurb and a written list of content and trigger warnings

COST: $0.05 per word (Ex. 5000 poetry collection = $250)

TURNAROUND TIME: approx. 2-4 weeks

Edit for Individual Poems, Short Stories, or Short Fiction

  • Two rounds of edits

  • Developmental and line edits, including a light copy edit

COST: $0.06 per word (ex. 250 word poem = $15)

TURNAROUND TIME: approx. 1-3 days per 250 words

Edit for a Children's Picture Book (approx. 1000 words)

  • Two rounds of edits

  • Developmental and line edit, including a light copy edit

  • Includes a custom book blurb

COST: $50 flat rate

TURNAROUND TIME: approx. one week per editing round

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